What's the newest trend on Youtube? Teens and tweens are uploading obnoxious video tutorials on the internet explaining "different ways to get your teachers fired." Several news outlets are reporting that a handful of tutorial videos are surfacing on YouTube which feature kids and teens giving advice on how to get teachers pulled from the classroom.
One video (below), created Feb 2013, shows two kids who seem to be around middle-school age explaining just how they schemed to eliminate a teacher that "didn't like" them.. “And we hated her back,” one of the kids says in the video. “I had a camera hooked up right here and I showed the principal. We got her pretty good,” one of the kids says.
“How we got her fired is we, like, we just like kept on telling the principal at lunch recess saying that she’s, like, harassing us,” one of the boys declares. “We just kept going to the principal,” the other says, and “sooner or later, we acted like we told our parents and they got into it and there was a report,”
The big question is whether or not the stories documented by the kids in these videos are legitimate stories. While many news media outlets have picked up the story, it's unclear if the story is actually true. It's very possible the boys made up the story to get hits on their video. In one of the video comments, the account name that uploaded the video responded to a comment claiming that the video was "fake it was all to get views". It's also unclear if the boys are claiming the story is "fake" in order to get out of trouble for being caught for allegedly getting a teacher fired.
I did a little bit more research and found this other video that was featured on some of the media outlets. The "tutorial video" appears to have be removed and this statement was posted in the video captions:
"I would like to thank all of the crappy 'journalists' out there for the traffic to my video. Had they done any real research they would have known that I never had a teacher named Mrs Keller. This 'tutorial' was satire made to shine light on this topic. The real issue here is how many kids are looking this stuff up. If you think 4 or 5 Youtube videos are bad, try the hundreds of questions on Yahoo answers and the Wikihow that pops up when you google 'how to get my teacher fired'.. As for the two boys that are plastered everywhere, THEY NEVER GOT ANYONE FIRED!" The message explains... "They are repeating a story they heard from a video called 'Life story: How I Got My 5th Grade Teacher Fired' a video that has well over a million hits and was made before those two kids made their video....", the message claims.
I actually did look up that specific video and found it here.
The story is told in a gaming videoblog by Youtuber Ryan Bauer
After watching the whole video, I came to the conclusion that I don't believe this a tutorial video "explaining different ways to get your teachers fired".. If you watch the entire video, you will learn that it is more of a life story ... just a regular guy talking about something that happened almost 10 years ago. He explains about some difficulties he was having during his middle school years (as many of us do during this age), that may have caused him lash out a little bit in school. This may have played a part in the conflict with a specific teacher.
I did find several parts of his story that were similar to the one posted by the two boys. It appears as though the two boys may have taken parts of his story and incorporated it into a new story with their own spin.
I did however, find this story of another kid explaining how he got his teacher fired.. but after coming across the other three videos, I question the validity of this story too.
I also found another gamer video story on this topic. Again, this is kind of more of a life story. In his story, the videoblogger explains how he and a few friends were acting up in school...and as a reaction to their bad behavior, they were actually hit by the teacher. While I don't condone the bad behavior of children, I would have to say getting your teacher fired for hitting you isn't really a tutorial video on how to get your teacher fired.. Clearly, If the teacher hit you, she got herself fired.
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